Friday, August 15, 2008

Autumn is in the air

The morning's are crisp and there is that fall smell in the air. It is early yet for this region but you can't mistake that smell and the feeling that just says "autumn". I thought I was imagining it until a friend said the same thing.

Right now is the time of harvest, of storage, of preparing for winter. Every instinct myself and every other wild creature contains is screaming "winter is coming -prepare, prepare, prepare!" Winter may not be as bad here as in the north but it does get cold. I am hurrying around like a busy squirrel gathering acrons and preparing for the winter.

My garden is in full production mode. I can't keep up with the number of tomatoes I'm getting. My squash crop was pretty much a bust this year -I'm thinking I got some bad seeds. But my pumpkins and watermelons are fine, and the pole beans are so exuberant they nearly choke me every time I go out to get beans. I had my best garlic and onion harvest ever. I've dried a bunch of tomatoes this week for winter soups and pastas. The hum-hum of the dehydrator may give me a headache but it certainly lessens my anxiety about the coming winter and the state of our world.

I hope everyone's fall preparations are going well!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you, ras!! I didn't know your garden was so extensive!Good work, Kid!!

8/15/2008 9:37 PM  

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