Garden Report
So, the majority of the gardening year is over. I am not planting a fall garden because I am trying to move. How has my garden done this year?
Tomatoes: I planted several kinds of tomatoes. The Brandywine and Arkansas Traveler did not do well, but I think this was due to the location as much as anything. My Cherokee Purple got hit by a weedeater. The Romas did well, as always. My German Johnson Pink also did really well. A lot of people think these are ugly tomatoes, but I love them. And the taste can't be beaten. The golden nugget did the same as last year -a sudden burst of heavenly tomatoes and then nothing. My yellow pears are doing wonderfully. The only problem with them is that they are VERY prone to cracking, so I will need to stake them next year.
Peppers -I grew three kinds of peppers. Cayenne, sweet bannana, and bell. All did grew. I'm still getting peppers.
Eggplants -my japenese eggplants did okay, but I discovered that I still don't much care for eggplant, except grilled.
Pole beasn -serious problems. The vines grew well and produced plenty of beans but they were pretty much inedible. This was supposed to be the same variety as last year's though from a different seedhouse, but they look nothing like them.
Summer Squash -also serious problems. I had some bad seed and after replatning 3 times I got hit by squash borers at the worst possible moment. I still got some, but not much. I will be using a different seed house next year.
Watermelons -yum.
Pumpkins -still coming in.
Cabbage -going well.
Carrots -going well.
That's the garden report. I hope next year's is even better!
I love vegetable garden reports. We get to learn so much about nature, and what works and what does not work.
I keep re-inventing the renter's mobile gypsy garden, so this year all things are in 18 gallon storage containers. Much cheaper than round plastic pots... and of course, they move well.
Will be doing a simple winter garden: Chard, egyptian walking onions (they take deep freezes) and work well as winter chives. Also garlic, and kale. Will also be trying over winter bunching onions...
Just starting to pull out the late season potatoes! My favorites. Stupice tomatoes were a bust this year. Need to make a portable greenhouse next year!
Cheers, and happy gardening!!!
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